
Beats by Dr Dre solo e to the foot of a h

Chapter 135 is unbearably vulgar
Argument matter in the He house too palace very and parties, Gao Shi Ji's riceses, have already flown the stone post that the dragon roves around to support with 8 inside the palace, the work waits of Tan wood, the purple wood chair Deng spreads in the part, the ground is spread to carve with the neat rock in blood rain top of hill dark red, although not show rich astute stately, give person a kind of felling with solemn and peaceful atmosphere.
He Hao however after coming in, wave hand to signal hint some miscellaneous persons inside the palace to keep on backing, roar with laughter district all the way Ji vast sky to walk to sit down to big palace the center.
Wait until Ya wreath in the He house to offer up a tea food dessert after, He Hao however just smile to ask:"Vast sky, says you from worked properly a treasure general assembly to leave later of situation, ha ha, fierce always be not with you walk to arrive together?Otherwise, you can't know that I so always accepted a medicine material for you for several years."
Smiled to order to nod, Ji vast sky will he and fierce hate the sky is at some affairs for doing in the Du house and in brief said 1 time, but experienced he to 1 penned to once take in 1 line in Western Regions and had never known well to say.
All of the wood Luo's a group of peoples are the persons whom Ao Luo's absolute being in Western Regions teaches, the person in blood rain alliance to the person of different clan have severity of reject details, he didn't also intend in blood rain mountain to use a wood Luo wait a person, don't want to let He Hao however difficult is a person, so concealed down two
He Hao however don't suspect other motives, all what rubbish doesn't ask more, just pull and drag he chats some fierce those early years' heroic act in blood rain mountain in a sky of hatings and say his He house today can become blood rain alliance to have weight most of one square influence, fierce hate a sky to perform feats.
The speech is talking, He Hao however to fierce hated a sky to express tremendous idea of high regard, Ji vast sky smiles to listen to him to say, state that the way puts work some fierce hate a sky come turn to reach the words to him, lord the guest mutually talk very happy.
"Uncle He, just I climbed mountain of the day soil waits and heard a matter, after finishing speaking, some words that shoulded say Ji vast sky once the topic turn and smiled to believe in he to 100 grass parks to run into 100 to say 1 time in the affair of show in the star stone.
"Star stone's believing in is blood rain mountain three heavy to one of the pre-eminent dints, the remaining Luan cost price sought work the star stone believe in and see come is intend shows off at the religious sect grand occasion work noodles.100 insides accepted the thing of remaining Luan, also promising would lift a hand to for the star stone religion, uncle He, this time religious sect grand occasion up, exactly have how many illegitimate profits?"
Pondered for a while, Ji vast sky mouth a smile:"Uncle He, you hand over a bottom for me, exactly can fight for for my Ji house how many benefitses?"
"This real strenght that wants to visit your Ji house, if you the Ji house have a gossip for sky of territory of the superior stay in, the exhumation comes out this time of three pieces of self-discipline treasures ground, I dare to clap breast to fight for for your Ji house!"
He Hao however burst out laughing, shook to shake head to say:"Is fierce old if above boardly stay in your Ji house, he says a words, blood rain mountain each heavy religious sect nobody dares to have objection!Being unfortunately fierce old can not come to your Ji house to help you, his identity really too sensitive, moreover your whole real strenght in the Ji house really differed 1:00, uncle He the ground of self-discipline that can make an effort for you and fight for after other people move to."
"The territory of gossip sky, … the territory of gossip sky ………" Ji vast sky mumbling low language.
In the territory of gossip sky, the wood Luo's real strenght is enough, the tower does three brotherses all at seven star sky, process them four, the Ji vast sky pours is dare match and include a star stone to believe in with blood rain mountain any 1!
However, wood Luo their person in Western Regions proves to show especially, true if using them on the religious sect grand occasion was certainly four, would aroused bad impression of blood rained mountain all religious sects, in this way and on the contrary lost more than gain.
Expel a wood Luo after, a group of people's whole real strenght in the Ji house is really a bit disastrous, the people of the same group knows an oneself matter, give He Hao however so on saying, he is also a bit helpless.
Vast sky, you don't be disappointed, you the method Jue of enough self-discipline in the Ji house and secret, just have no constantly and constantly world to work properly treasure to help them.I just saw you can take out the bone of fire Phoenix with the hands and estimated you at work properly treasure Ge the result is rather plentiful, ha ha, Chen Jia also owes fierce eldest brother human feelings, you from work properly treasure Ge to make a trip, working properly treasure Ge affirmation will mean a point what"
He Hao however full face the heap smile and clap Ya to clap his shoulder:"Vast sky, the way of self-discipline isn't persistently of the bitterness fix and then go of, have enough world to work properly treasure support, even if is have no a piece of self-discipline treasure ground, is also similar to be fast- growing!"
"H'm, uncle He, I know your meaning, however the thing that can fight for, I from be to fight for with all strength!")The Ji vast sky nods, facial expression firmness.
Stop worrying, as long as you made a show of enough real strenght, uncle He is affirmative to support you with all strength!Is, purple long grass rain is this small religious sect, think to clime to a star stone to believe in and then can climb work, is really funny!"He Hao however express a He, the lord of house should have of heroism, gave him the commitment.
Again with him chat about in a short while, then asked to know that the Ji house really slices position for now from the He Hao however, Ji vast sky and He Hao however take leave,Beats by Dr Dre solo.
He Hao however send to his doorway, glimpse still is playing Wu Chang inside teach beautiful Man of the He of those son Langs one eye, Yang voice order:"Small Pan, you send the mountain in vast sky for me!"
"Why to is me?"He beautiful Xuan just at angry ground of youth in the He house that teaches those Dis to whisper Gu dishonesty, smell speech some feeling isn't not the wish ground counter-question.
"Little useless talk lets you sends and then sends!"He Hao however smiled to reprimand angrily to a , soon after clapped the shoulder of clapping the Ji vast sky again:"Vast sky, if the Ji house meets what bother a matter, directly come to seek uncle He, is this one at blood rain mountain, uncle He speaks a words, or takes care of something to use very much."
This words are a , all of those son Langs is one face the surprised Cha all is to oddly hope Ji vast sky, these youth really don't know Ji vast sky and fierce hate a sky to have an origin, the eye sees He Hao however looks after so Ji vast sky.Look after a Ji house, they a s all feel very unimaginable.
"Know."Freely should with a , the Ji vast sky squints and not and tightly and not and slowly follow in anger the path keeps into to below the hills walk of He beautiful Pan.
BE treating He Hao however of time, the Ji vast sky all don't stick to a bunch at 1:00, is like as natural as a friend, have no the person of small household to pay a courtesy call on blood rain mountain He main careful house and in fear discomfort, his performance, even some absent-minded.
These small details fall to those youth eyeses and make them even feeling unimaginable and see at them, the Ji house is in blood rain mountain root line up a work name not, even if is the main Ji of Ji house to over an interest to come to blood rain mountain and treat He Hao however of time should finish respectfullly finish respect, …very careful, don't dare to have a little careless.
But Be just three Ji vast skies in the Ji house, but at 1:00 all have no that huge difference of identity of awakening, naturally easy is like a He Hao however help him the affair that is a naturally in the Ji house is similar, this kind of situation, make those son Langs all some not clear so, Leng where the full face is surprised.
The full mountain fragrance of flower takes Gao Tiao 's beauty of the whip of cow Jin, absent-mindedly fore the noodles leads the way, ever and anon flick a whip to take out the ancient tree of beating a while the flank, see don't see as well behind naturally follow behind of Ji vast sky, be like oneself descends mountain, don't lead the way consciousness of at all.
BE not angry either, Ji vast sky corner of mouth is wearing a smile, midway don't speak a words, the carefree joy Zai ground looks in all directions and imitates Buddha's ancient tree flower and grass at the side of body to his temptation, want compare beauty of attraction the big work is many.
The flower and grass has what good-looking?Not quite is one Zha kind?"Get to foot of a hill quickly under of time, it is that the He is beautiful to pour one active openings, she come to a stop, the thoroughly bored ground jilts cow Jin whip, don't also turn around to see him, be like soliloquize ground to say:"It is said that you are 17 years old just can come together vitality, how probably fix to five lines of days of territory so quickly?"
Continue to look in all directions a ground of flower and grass for looking the other way, He beautiful Ying after this some kind of words drop down, he on the contrary squatted down down, , connect yellow floret Nian of one in the hand, a show a spoony the shape ground smelt smell, don't ask two to the beauty disregard of front
"Feed!Does "the He is dirty one exceed to fix to keep a beautiful leg to come over, occupy vantage point ground to looking at to squat down down of Ji vast sky" talk with you, did you didn't hear?"
Fuss ground Zhan for a while the body is like this to just respond to come over, the title looking at Gao Tiao 's beauty that a face annoys shapes, the Ji vast sky pointed oneself, and the facial expression is earnest:"Miss just is talked with me?"
Here in addition to you I outside, there are also the third people?"He the beautiful Xuan is wrinkly eyebrows, coldly say.
"Originally you just**towarded me, unexpectedly and still just talked with me, did I still think that you before burst out to come to a person!"Shake head to lose to smile, the Ji vast sky quickly stood, height a while He the beautiful Xuan kept on comparing and became him tiny to lower the head to hope He of beautiful Xuan.
The high big haleness that son Lang in the Ji house always livings before the body can not come together a dollar dint, he although the body is frail,the statures isn't low two record a beginning from his beginning self-discipline great void Mi, in "fire Long Shao" of nourishing and under the toughenning of oneself, he the whole personal occurrence turn over the variety that the sky replies ground, not only statures again long Gao some, the whole personal vitality absolute being all has a brand-new look, any further have no one silk frail appearance.
At present of he body figure Gao Jian, doing not seem to be general son Lang in the Ji house that sort is robust, on the contrary is like one pole straight long gun, the strength is astonishing, but the body figure isn't robust and swollen.
"You, you, vulgar!He beautiful one faces a red, tiny Yang's wearing then a head can face his look in the eyes"Ji vast sky, originally you are also a vulgar person!"
The "I am originally a vulgar person, ha ha two" Ji vast sky calm acknowledgement smilingly looking at her, hand in of shake yellow floret to knead ground, roar with laughter:"My this person isn't only vulgar, but also likes to pack elegant!"
Across He beautiful Xuan, the Ji vast sky path keeps to walk toward the foot of a hill bottom to, copy such as a wisp of You similar light such as have no thing ground Lue to the foot of a hill, orotund far Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd come:"The road of underneath I recognize, don't put~to the troubl Ms. He to far send…………"
Up suppressing is so long, he be for capturing an opportunity to play joke on beautiful Pan of He, this beauty is very spiteful, the time in He house without cause the ground block him, this all the way the work so apathetically treat him again, whichever man heart in will have a little not great, so he would lend machine to put her together.
"Is cheap!Bad customs!Is unbearably vulgar!"Toward his figure, the He beautiful Xuan angrily yells, wait she to see Ji vast sky thoroughly from the view after disappearing, she just cannot helps but" bursts the Chi , on smiling, peep out a snow-white tooth, low voice mumbling:"Vulgar is a little bit vulgar, pour vulgar some meaning also …… interesting person ……"
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