
cheap beats by dr dre meChina president

The idea location nods however Hou's towarding shell Er elder is used the tone of inquiry to immediately after say:"Is very good, but relevant these 100,000 bear soldiers' foods entertain aspect ………."
The words Hou that hears lion Wang Lai En, the shell Er elder isn't a 3 years old Chu son either, listen to an implication in words right away, so immediately understand that the ground answers a way:"This also need not lion his majesty king worry, these 100,000 the bear soldiers' food pay part we the bear clan undertake a dint, so his majesty if discover that can also keep informed us to make up deficiencies when using one degree isn't enough.
Is this time we also take six months of food pay first to come, if this service is more than six months, the bear clan will also make up deficiencies the Hou continuous part, because his majesty you will strong to last real strenght tiger clan soldier, strike against a fox, wing with our bear clan two clans comparing with to want a pain Be getting more, so this aspect certainly would not° until we be responsible for be right!"
"His majesty, that we whether time that also wants to send army all of a sudden with shell Er elder engagement, just can take the offensive to result in a tiger clan at the same time by that time the beginning and end is difficult to attend to of situation?"The Ao space receives a station to come out to toward the lion suggestion ground of Wang Lai En to say at this time
"Is also good, that temporarily decide the autumn harvest Hou send army how?Can harvest this year's food because of next month, thus we beat and then even have confidence"the words make reference to this, lion Wang Lai En turns a head to toward shell Er elder to ask a way:"How do you feel?Shell Er elder"
The shell Er elder heart knows that the lion clan sends army the matter sooner or later just at this time, seeing to the stage task has been already reached, so the arch hand answers a way on the spot:"This is all right, as long as lion his majesty king decides and then goes, I see time also be getting more late, that I excuse to leave first a bear clan to once notify your decision of my Wang Ku Bo Si, also let at the same time we soldier's movable activity of the bear clan, took leave for this tough battle warming up for a while, that at descending in advance"
"Is also good, while doing not send, hoping to meet next time that is receiving Si his house especially, ha ha ha" lion Wang Lai En says with a smile
"Must be certain!Ha ha ha"shell Er the elder also smile to answer a way, however two public in all respectively calculate the other party just all don't know just each other.
BE leaving lion clan Hou, shell Er elder then quick Ma Jia Bian's ground return to bear clan lion the engagement of Wang Lai En the autumn Hou send army of the matter also along together turns to tell bear Wang Ku Bo Si to know.
"Stem of good!See to as long as being waiting for a month and then canning start our planning, ha ha ha"bear Wang Ku Bo Si at finish listenning to the report Hou of the elder of shell Er saying with smile
The "his majesty, although already a feet of lion Wang Lai En step into our traps, however we still need to strengthen to train soldier and let them get into condition earlier, because early a day, dozen next fox, wing two clans can early a day and three cents, world, ask his majesty to think thrice" shell Er elder suggestion ground says
Hear the suggestion Hou of the elder of shell Er, bear Wang Ku Bo Si also feels to have a reason and order to immediately after say:"You say of to, these soldiers are too long didn't train, is should well whet for a while just to, shell Er elder, that this matter teaches first to do for you and remembers!Don't make me disappoint, hoped by that time these bear soldiers are under your training ability in quickest time inside take down fox, wing two clans, don't forget, we are the troopses used about 200,000 to strike against them, if by that time beat not come down of words, I the first take you to have operation however does the Hou resist to drive to lead the army personally to know?"
"Belong to under definitely make an effort to do, in no case be ungrateful to his majesty to belong to the next expectation!"The shell Er elder arch hand the positive color ground answer a way
"Know good, have no the words of matter hurry next start handling these matters" bear Wang Ku Bo Si puts to say
At same times, I still have manikin helmet and every kind of material that the soldier of tiger clan and wing clan generation Xun also takes to hard get with a group of people of Dai Xi and return to Anne to receive forest in just about time, but receive Si especially and remaining is extraordinary to receive news early in the morning and arrived at port to greet our arrivals.
When our ships pull in to shore Hou, for a while ship, received Si to immediately face to come up to counteract dint to grasp my hand to loudly say especially:"China president of association you eventually the Wu came back!"
"Let go quickly~~don't hold that Mo tight!Is very painful!"At this time I jilt to educate very young mind Si especially of combine complaint ground to say
"Ha ha ha~ due to seeing president of association you come back too an excitement so forgot a hand strength~~ sorry~~ sorry~~" receives Si especially simultaneously touch own part the apology ground say
I point at Hou noodles file in at this time but the ironclad ship going into toward to receive Si to say especially:"Which~~ your soldier of this Xun also came back together with us, each one is on board in addition to manikin helmet still have the support fox, wing the supplies of two clans, you must would not° until send a person to help to send over go"
The words Hou that hears me receives Si to clap positive color ground of breast to answer a way right away especially:"This is all right!Waited I to sent a person the thing and these wing clan the warrior all through the night return to that for convoy"the words make reference to this and receive Si to suddenly and in whisper say in my ear especially:"China president of association, lion clan that beginning included action and talked here inconvenient, rather and first arrive your board of trade to say again how?"
"Is also good, that we together past!"I order to answer a way
So at remaining the extraordinary arrangement is next, public sit up the wagon combined to arrive at board of trade very soon, on entering into board of trade, see the monster person of a heap of fox clan and wing clan right away at in engaged, this makes us all feel very fresh and finish Yan Ning to mutually and curiously toward remaining at this time extraordinary ask a way:"The elder sister of remaining, how will the Mo board of trade attend to use these monster persons?Is they all right?"
Remaining is extraordinary to hear finish Yan Ning fragrant this Mo an ask to say with smile on the spot:"You weren't the first person who asks this question, because connected to receive Si Sir once doubted these monster persons as well to really can make these works especially, however these two months to their result should be able to persuade all people" made reference to this, remaining was extraordinary to don't understand that the ground towardsed us to ask a way:"President of association, these matter didn't unique that boy tell you?"
"Is unique?Have no ah~~did not see him for a long time"my hands one answer a way
"Can't?I sent last time he arrived Si D Kingdom notified yours, how will the Mo be so?This boy is definitely done not know to go crazy where go, proper business all to forget, the president of association is really sorry"remaining the extraordinary language takes apology ground to say
"Did not relate to~ perhaps is that we at the right moment leave to miss also perhaps, anyway I once said, this place everything is made the decision by you good, as long as doing not afflict and then go, I have no opinion"
Receive Si to interrupt conversation to say especially at this time:"If China president of association, these matters are all of no account, bear clan and lion clan are most important now should in these two months will send army, because we have already received news, the bear clan there sends 100,000 bear the soldier come over to support a lion clan them, and at a few days ago these bear soldiers have already arrived the territory of lion clan as well, if I didn't estimate false, they should send troops in autumn harvest Hou" words make reference to this and receive Si language to take to inquire especially ground to ask way to me:"China president of association, do you have the good plan of Shi Mo?"
"Good plan ah ……." When I think, over joss-stick of Yan Ning compete first answers a way:"The matter fighting asks me~I past but lead troops to exceed the general of myriad people!"
"Really,cheap beats by dr dre?Did that say to see you having the Shi Mo good suggestion?"Receive Si to curiously ask a way especially
"This………….."Over joss-stick of Yan Ning thought Hou for a while, red the face embarrassedly smiles to answer a way:" I took before of was a bow to ride a soldier, on the field battle of plain I poured to still have a skill and went to the words that the Wu defends city ……….That I can really have no skin ….Ha ha ha"the words make reference to this and finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to suddenly point at Dai Xi to say:"To!Dai elder sister Xi is the college of military in the gram graduates from the row, the row gram is rich in experience in defending city, we were eastern pure before how the Mos all offended not to descend it, so should Dai elder sister Xi be for righting defend city really have views is, you feel that I say?"
Hear finish Yan Ning joss-stick once this Mo remind and toward Dai Xi to say on my Mang:"To roar~~Dai Xi, my forgetting you is graduation in the college of military of, that you said your viewpoint for our reference for a while?"
"Really want me to say?Speaking amiss doesn't blame me!"The Dai Xi points at himself/herself however Hou to say with the dicey tone
"Do not blame you~would not° until in many ways make reference to get the best conclusion be not?Say quickly!"I toward Dai Xi to press ground Related articles:

